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Get to know Katherine Garcia- our history loving, trivia guru, outdoor enthusiast-at-heart, Client Success Specialist—through our latest Coffee & Conversation feature!

Q. Describe your “perfect” meal, complete with dessert.

A. My perfect meal would have to be quintessential southern home cooking – fried chicken, mac and cheese, a warm biscuit, and peach cobbler for dessert. I swear I eat veggies sometimes too!

Q. What’s something about you that might surprise people?

A.  I have moved 17 times in my life! Though I am from Georgia originally, I lived in the Maryland/metro-DC area for a lot of my life, giving me that great non-descript mid-Atlantic accent.

Q. What’s something you know more about than most people?

A. I’m definitely the person you want on your trivia team because unfortunately, my scope of knowledge is pretty useless otherwise. I specifically have a lot of knowledge of the inner workings of the music industry – if you ever care to know the breakdown of where every cent of your iTunes download goes, I’m your gal!

Q. What is one of your favorite places that you’ve traveled to? Why?

A. The Western United States, specifically the desert, was so incredible to me. It is so different from the east coast in regards to climate, flora, and fauna that it felt like being on another planet. It’s also wild to think of places where their common small rodents are not the same squirrels we have.

Q. What’s your favorite movie? Favorite book? Favorite Artist / Band?

A. I have a degree in History, and predominantly focused on the history of the American South so Gone with the Wind is my favorite book and movie. Not only was the production of the movie a modern marvel at the time, but the book was written as a 20th century fictional commentary on the 19th century American South, which is a perspective that I think is lost on many.

Picking my favorite artist or band is like picking my favorite child! I listen to a very eclectic mix from Taylor Swift to Odesza to Arcade Fire.

Q. If you could have dinner with one person (living or dead) who would it be?

A. Stevie Nicks

Q. What’s something you’re passionate about?

A. Art and self-expression. I think it’s important for people to have a creative outlet to express themselves and communicate in non-verbal ways.

Q. What’s something you would tell yourself 10 years ago?

A. Things are not always going to go according to plan, but it will always be for the better!

Q. If you could master one skill you don’t have right now, what would it be?

A. Another language! I can read and write in Spanish fairly well, I just do not prefer to speak it. Language is the gateway to other cultures.

Q. What are your personal hobbies?

A. I love being outdoors – hiking, camping, boating, etc. Summertime is my dream time to pack in all of the outdoor recreation activities while the days are long!

Q. Who inspires you?

A. My teammates inspire me! It’s exciting to be around people who push themselves to be their best and spend every day working to make the lives of others better


Katherine, it’s an absolute honor and joy to have you at EB!

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