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Get to know Patty, the latest addition to our QA Team, a little better through our latest Coffee & Conversation feature:

Q. Describe your “perfect” meal, complete with dessert.

A. My perfect meals starts out with a dozen raw oysters, pasta then anything chocolate for dessert.

Q.What’s something about you that might surprise people?

A. I have 4 beautiful grandchildren, one of which is a teenager.

Q. What something you know more about than most people?

A. I guess I would have to say software testing, I’ve been doing it for about 20 years now.

Q.What is one of your favorite places that you’ve traveled to? Why?

A. Old Jerusalem because it has so much history and diversity. It was amazing to see the places in person that I had read so much about over the years and walking down the cobble streets through the different religious quarters was like walking back in time.

Q.What’s your favorite movie? Favorite book (or favorite Artist/Band)

A. National Lampoons Christmas Vacation is one of my favorite movies.  I know it sound pretty cheesy, but it is a movie that I think most can relate to with their family during the holidays, we watch it multiple times together as a family every Christmas.  As for books, if I had to say one I guess it would be The Da Vinci Code, I love history and where the lines blur to reality.  Favorite bands are Dave Matthews, Aerosmith, Def Leopard and Bon Jovi since that is the music I grew up on, yes I was an 80’s rock child.

Q. If you could have dinner with one person (living or dead) who would it be?

A. WOW, there are so many; however, I’m just going to say the first person who came to my mind which is Abraham Lincoln.  I am so fascinated with his story and the impact he had on our nation, he overcame poverty and led our county while dealing with serious family issues and seemed so humble and genuine.

Q.What’s something you’re passionate about?

A. Family

Q. What’s something you would tell yourself 10 years ago?

A. Not to let the little things get to you, life is too short!

Q.If you could master one skill you don’t have right now, what would it be?

A. I would love to be able to play a musical instrument.

Q.What are your personal hobbies?

A. I love to travel, especially to the beach, but also enjoy camping, hiking and bike riding.

Q.Who inspires you?

A. There have been many people over the years that have inspired me; however, when I see someone with a disability who does not let obstacles stand in their way of achieving their goals, it truly inspires me.

Patty, welcome to the EB family-  we are delighted to have you here!

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